Name | | Sadie Scott was also known as Sadie Kellam.1 |
ChildParent1,1 | | |
Person Source | | She had person sources.1 |
Birth | October 1886 | She was born in October 1886. |
Residence | 9 June 1900 | She lived at Prince StBG in Tappahannock, Essex, Virginia, United StatesBGO, on 9 June 1900. Name: Sadie Scott, Age: 13, Birth Date: October 1886, Birth Place: Virginia, USA, Record ID: 7602::71510465, Gender: Female, Race: White, Relationship: Daughter, Marital Status: Single, Father's Name: Geo D Scott, Father's Birth Place: Virginia, USA, Moth2 |
Residence | 15 April 1910 | She lived at Church StBG in Essex, Virginia, United StatesBGO, on 15 April 1910. Name: Sadie K Scott Jr., Age: 24, Birth Date: 1886, Birth Place: Virginia, Record ID: 7884::176103769, Gender: Female, Relationship: Daughter, Marital Status: Single, Father's Birth Place: Virginia, Mother's Birth Place: Maryland, Native Tongue: English,3 |
Marriage | 17 August 1910 | Vernon Hope Kellam and she were married on 17 August 1910 in Tappahannock, Essex, Virginia, United StatesBGO.1,4 Marriage Announcement |
Residence | 5 January 1920 | She lived at 545 W 38th StBG in Norfolk, Norfolk (city), Virginia, United StatesBGO, on 5 January 1920. Name: Sadie Scott Kellam, Age: 34, Gender: Female, Race: White, Birth Place: Virginia, Marital Status: Married, Relationship: Wife, Occupation: Supervisory Clerk, Industry: Navy Yard Supply Dept, Able to Speak English: Yes, Father's Birth Place: Virginia,5 |
Residence | 8 April 1930 | She lived at 6209 Hampton BlvdBG in Norfolk, Norfolk (city), Virginia, United StatesBGO, on 8 April 1930. Name: Sadie S Kellam, Age: 44, Gender: Female, Race: White, Birth Place: Virginia, Marital Status: Married, Relationship: Wife, Attended School: No, Able to Read and Write: Yes, Able to Speak English: Yes, Age at First Marriage: 27, Father's Birth Place:6 |
Death | 1971 | She died in 1971 at age ~85.1 |