Charles Ryland Scott Family

Ancestors and Descendants

Person Page 864

Richard Robbins

M, b. about 1570, d. 19 May 1634


FatherThomas Robins (b. 1545, d. 7 August 1606)
MotherElizabeth Parkes (b. 1545, d. 1609)

Children with Dorothy Goodman Rushall (b. 12 September 1570, d. 20 February 1640)

SonRichard Robbins, Esq (b. 1595)
SonCol. Obedience Robins, (First Families Of Virginia)+ (b. before 26 April 1601, d. before 30 December 1662)
SonEdward Robbins (b. 3 November 1602, d. 11 January 1641)
Pedigree Chart
Included in charts - listsBox Pedigree - CRS
Charles Ryland Scott Ancestors
Indented - CRS (#1)
Indented - CRS (#2)
Relationship10th great-grandfather of Charles Ryland ("Ryland") Scott
12th great-grandfather of Isaac Silas Vaughn
12th great-grandfather of Katherine Gilstrap Scott
12th great-grandfather of Joseph Ryland Scott
12th great-grandfather of Charles Parker ("Parker") Scott
12th great-grandfather of Orly Marie Vaughn
12th great-grandfather of Avital Catherine Vaughn


WillRichard Robbins signed a will. RICHARD ROBINS WILL
In the Name of God Amen I Richarde Robins of Buckby in the County of
Northton yeoman being desirous to prepare & fitt my selfe for the tyme of
my departure out of this Life doe make this my Last will and testament
First I commend my Soule to Allmighty God my Creator & to Jesus Christ
my Redeemer by whose passion & merits only I stedfastly brleeve I am made
an heire of everlasting Life in heaven And to the holy Spirit my only
Comforter three persons & one Eternall God And my body to be comly buried
at Buckby at the descreson of my Executors. And touching my lands and
goods where with God hath blessed me beyond my deserts
First to show some thankefullnes to God for his mercy I doe give five
pounds a yere for ever out of the half yard land Lately William Gilberts
in Buckby aforesaid unto John Thorneton of Broackall Esq. & to Willm
Cartwright of Northton, gent, & to their heires and Assignes to the use of
the poore Inhabitants of Buckby for the time being for ever ether yearly
to be disposed among them according to their severall needs or other wise
to be disposed of to their persitts as by them shall be iudged most
convenient, provided allwayes and my will is That my sonn & heire & his
heires shall have the free power to dispose & give forty shillings a yere
of the foresaid five pounds to any manner of person or persons at his and
their free will and pleasures. And because the sayd Mr. Thorneton & Willm
Cartwright be mortall my desire it they will make other honest religeous
men ffeofees of the sayd yearly rent that yt may be for ever imployed
according to this my will.
Item my will is that my sonn & heir shall provide and give to Dorothymy Loveing wife at my house in Buckby where I now inhabit good & sufficient
Lodging meat drinke diet fyre candle & washing fit and according to her
degree & calling as now she hath for & during her Life and the som of
thirtie pounds yearly to be payd out of my Lands payable to her quarterly
at the severall feasts of St. Thomas the Apostle, the annunciation of the
blessed virgin Mary, the Nativity of St. John the Baptist & St. Michael
Archangel by equall porcions for & dureing her life. And If my sayd wife
shall forebear to take her diet & lodging afforesayd, then my sonn & heir
& his heires shall pay unto her ten pounds a year more in lew of her diet
& lodging payable at the dayes afforesayd by equall porcions dureing her
life. Further my will is my said wife shall have her coffen to her self
as she thinks fitt to store it. But if my said wyfe shall recover her
dower out of my Lands, them my meaning is she shall hould her self therewith
content and what I have foremerly given to her shall cease & not be paydeunto her.
Item I give to my tow sonns Obedience and Edward to each of them one hundred pounds to be payd them within three months next after my decease
Item I give to my Sonn John two hundred & forty pounds of which one
hundred to be payd him within three months next after my decease and the
other hundred & forty within tow yeares next after my decease. Also I
give to my sayd sonn John & his heires my Close & ground called the
hether Throp in the parish of Norton, provided alwayes & my will is That
yf my Sonn & heire shall pay unto my said Sonne John or his heires
the som of tow hundred & fifty pounds of good and Lawfull money of England
at any tyme within three yeares next after my decease That then my Legacy
made to my sayd Sonn John of my close called hether Throp shall cease & be voyd.
Item I give & bequeath unto my sonn Thomas my Lease & terme for yeares
which I have of any Lands or tenements in West Haddon parish.
Item I give my sonn Thomas & his heires all my meadow & ground called
Corne meadow in the parish of Watford Provided alwayes & my will is That yf
my heire at any time within three yeares next after my decease shall pay
my sayd sonn Thomas & his heires or Assignes the som of three hundred &
fifty pounds of Lawful money of England then my heir shall reenter into the
sayd ground called the Corne meadow and into my sayd Lease to have the meadow
to him and his heirs for ever & the lease for the the years therein to Come
& -------.
Item I give to my sayd sonn Thomas forty pounds to be payd him within
two yeares next after my decease.
Item I give more to my sayd sonne Thomas the Lease I have of only pasture.
Item I give and bequeath to my tow youngest Lemuell & Mary to each of them
twenty pounds to be payd them presently after my decease And my will further
is and I doe bequeath That yf my said tow daughters shalbe married by the
consent & advice of the forenamed John Thorneton then my Executor shall pay
them so marrieing, or her that so married one hundred & four score pound
a pece of Lawfull money of England within three monthes next after his notice
thereof and I doe further devise that yf the said Mr. John Thorneton shall
die before the marriage of my sayd tow daughters or before he hath given
his derection therein Then my sayd Executor shall pay my sayd daughters
180 l. a peece at their severall ages of twenty yeares and my will further
is that yf my said daughters or ether of them die before marriage then the
porecon of them or her that so dieth shall remayne to my Children to be
equally devided amongest them.
Item I give to my daughter Sara tenn pounds.
Item I give to my daughter Contenew forty shillings.
Item I give to all my gran Children forty shillings a peece.
Item I give to my three brothers to each of them twenty shillings.
Item I give to my loveing frends Mr. John Thorneton & Mr. Willm Cartwright
to each of them twenty shillings.
Item I give to each of my servants which I shall have at the tyme of my
death to each of them xii d.
All the rest of my lands, goods, Cattells & Chattells I give to my loveing
Sonn Richard Robins who I make my Sole executor of this my last will &
Testament and doe renounce all former wills made by me to be of non effect.
And I intreat my loveing frends Mr. John Thorneton, Mr. William Cartwright
and my brother William Wills to be my overseers of this my last will, and
with their counsell and advise to derect my Executor in the due execution
of this my last will & testament; And I doe advise & charge my Executor
to take this advise therein & to be ruled by the same. And my will is And
I do hereby devise That yf any question ambiguitie or contreversie shall
happen to arise or grow upon any word legacie clause or matter contained
in this my last will, then the same shalbe heard exponunded determined &
iudged by the sayd overseers of this my last will or by the more part of
them and such their expossicion iudgement & determinacon. I declare to be
my last will and Testament And I will that within xx dayes next after my
decease A trew Inventory be taken of all my goods and Chatttells and a trew
Copy thereof delivered to my overseers. It wittness whereof I have put
my hand & seale this first day of March 1633.
Richard Robins
Sealed and delivered in the presence of Wm Cartwright Richard Carvel his
mark Valentine Robinson his mark
hawksdomain originally shared this to Our Family
08 May 2009 story
1 Mar 1633
johnandlinda12 added this to Silcox - Madsen Family Tree
07 Feb 2010
WillHe signed a will. Save to my tree
In the Name of God Amen In the yeare of our Lorde god one thowsand fyvehundred fowrescore and twoe and the Twentieth daie of October I Richarde
Robyns of Longbugby in the Countie of Northt yeoman being sicke in bodye
and whole in mynde and of good and perfect memorie (god by thanked for yt)
Doe institute and ordayne this my testament conteyning my last will in
manner and fourme following.
First I bequeathe my soule unto Allmightie god whoe is my maker Lorde
and Saviour, and my body to be buryed in the northe Ile within the parishe
Churche of Longbubgy aforesaide:
Imprimis I gyve to the Mother Churche of Petersboroughe fowre pence
Item I gyve to be bestowed amongest the poore of this parishe Twentye
shillings, to be distributed by the discresssion of my Executors.
Item I give to Richarde Robyns sonne to Thomas Robyns my Sonne fyvehorsses and the best carte.
Item to the same Richarde I give sixe milche kyne. Item to the same Richarde I give threescore sheepe, And also I give
the same Richarde the best pott and the best panne, All the whiche to be
delyvered at the daie of his marriage or at one and twentye yeares of
his age: Also I give to the same Richarde (after the death of my sonne
Thomas Robyns) my occupying with all the Domeynes lying and being within
the Towne and feildes of Longbugby aforesayde, As taxes tenements, orchards,
gardens, closes, pastures and feedings with all other appurtenaunces
thereunto belonging, for him and his heires for ever yf he have any yssue
which are sonnes whiche are of the male kynde to inherit, yf not I will
that the next of his kyndered or stocke which is the senior to remaine to
him and his heires for ever, after the death of Richarde, yf they are of
the male kynde, and so I will that yt shall remayne to kindred and the
calling of the Robinces for ever: And also I will that yf anye theise
aforesayde they their heires executors or assingnes doe putt alwais or
cause to be putt always by buying or selling, or any unlawfull meanes my
partt or parcell of the saide premisses, Then I Will that yt shall remayne
unto the next of that kyndred whiche is of the male kynde and name of the
First I give to the same Richarde twoe of the best saltinge Troughes
and the hole haveltember, and ploughe tymber, which is remayning upponthe saide grounde (after the deathe of my sonne Thomas his father.)
Item I give to William Robyns, sonne to my sonne Thomas Robyns one
horsse and carte fowre beafe and threescore sheepe and one pott besyde
his owne to be delivered at the daie of his mariage or at the age of one
and twentye yeares.
Item I give to Edward Robyns sonne to my sonne Thomas Robyns three beafe
and thirtye sheepe (besyde his owne) All the whiche to be delivered at the
daie of his marriage, or also at the age of one and twentye yeares.
Item I give unto Thomas Robyns sonne to my sonne Thomas Robins one
cowe and fourtye sheepe, to be delivered at the daie of his mariage or
also at the age of one and twenty yeares.
Item I give unto Jone Robyns the daughter of my sonne Thomas Robins
Tenne poundes of lawfull money and Twentye sheepe, All the whiche to be
delyvered at the daye of her marriage, or else at the age of one and
twentie yeares.
Item I give unto John Robyns sonne to my sonne Thomas Robyns Sixe
poundes thirtene shilliges eight pence, one cowe and twenty sheepe,
to be delyvered at the daye of his marriage, or else at the age of one
and twentye yeares.
Also I will that yf any of theise childrenn aforesaide departe this
worlde before they be married, I will that theire parte to be equally
devided to them that are lyving: Also I will that yf any of theise
childrenn aforesaide shalbee infected with any sicknes or other diseases
that they cannot be able to take the paines nor labour before theye be
contracted or married, Then I will that they shalbe kepte uppon the grounde
until suche tyme that they shall recover theire healthe againe.
Item I will that yf my daughter Elizabeth doe overlyve my sonne Thomas,
that then she to rest uppon the grounde and to have her fynding and clothing
so longe as she keepe her self unmarried And yf she doe marrye, to have
no longer tyme on the premisses.
Item I give to everie one of William Wylles children whiche he had by
my daughter Alice, three shillings fower pence a peece.
Item I give to the children of Henry Alman of Mares Ashby which he had
by my daughter Jone Three shillings fower pence a peece.
Item I give to every one of my servannts fower pence.
Item to everye one of my godchildren fower pence.
Item I give to my daughter Alice Willes sixe shillings eight pence.
Item I give to my Daughter Creaton sixe shillings eight pence.
The rest of my goods not given nor bequeathed (my debtes and Legacies
beinge paid, and my funerall dischared) I give to Thomas Robyns my sonne,
whome I make my full executor to have my occupyinge so longe as he lyveth.
I give unto William Willes and John Creaton to be supervisors of this
my last will and testament, and to have for their paines therein Three
shillings fower pence a peece.
John Woodworth scriptoreus John Andrewe Henry Collman
The will was probated on 4 Nov. 1584.
hawksdomain originally shared this to Our Family
08 May 2009 story
johnandlinda12 added this to Silcox - Madsen Family Tree
07 Feb 2010
Person SourceHe had person sources.2
Birthabout 1570He was born about 1570 in Long Buckby, Northamptonshire, EnglandBGO.2,3
Marriage21 June 1597He and Dorothy Goodman Rushall were married on 21 June 1597 in Long Buckby, Northamptonshire, EnglandBGO.2
Death19 May 1634He died on 19 May 1634 at age ~64 at St Botolph AldgateBG in London, Middlesex, England, United KingdomBGO.2,3
Burial19 May 1634He was buried on 19 May 1634 in England, United KingdomBGO.2
Last Edited2 December 2016


  1. [S64] Baird Family Tree, online, World Family Tree, Vol 1, Pedigree 4511. Hereinafter cited as Baird Family Tree.
  2. [S49] VA Eastern Shore Public Library, 100's of Families, online
  3. [S64] Baird Family Tree, online, World Family Tree Pedigree # 4511. Hereinafter cited as Baird Family Tree.