Charles Ryland Scott Family

Ancestors and Descendants

Person Page 2,891

Thomas Savage, II

M, b. about 1645, d. before 9 January 1722/23


FatherThomas Savage, I (The Carpenter) (b. about 1615, d. before 28 February 1656/57)
MotherRebecca (b. about 1625)


SonBenjamin Savage+ (b. about 1675, d. before 18 February 1718/19)

Partner with Bridget Kellam (b. about 1668)

Pedigree Chart
Included in charts - listsBox Pedigree - CRS
Charles Ryland Scott Ancestors
Indented - CRS
Relationship7th great-grandfather of Charles Ryland ("Ryland") Scott
9th great-grandfather of Isaac Silas Vaughn
9th great-grandfather of Katherine Gilstrap Scott
9th great-grandfather of Joseph Ryland Scott
9th great-grandfather of Charles Parker ("Parker") Scott
9th great-grandfather of Orly Marie Vaughn
9th great-grandfather of Avital Catherine Vaughn


Birthabout 1645Thomas Savage, II, was born about 1645 in Northampton, Virginia, United StatesBGO.
Marriageabout 1670He was married about 1670.1
Will - Step Father27 October 1677He was named in his step-father's will on on 27 October 1677 in Accomack, Virginia, United StatesBGO. [COLOR:70,70,70,255,255,255]He was shown as my son-in-law (meaning step-son) Thomas Savage in the will of John Smith, taylor, wife Joyce.1
Marriageabout 1684He and Bridget Kellam were married about 1684.
Heir - Named As19 August 1695He made a will on 19 August 1695 in Northampton, Virginia, United StatesBGO. [COLOR:70,70,70,255,255,255]It was on this date that Richard Robinson, wife Rebecca, named a goddaughter Sarah Savage, the daughter of Thomas Savage and Bridget his wife.2
Will10 November 1721He signed a will on 10 November 1721 in Northampton, Virginia, United StatesBGO. [COLOR:70,70,70,255,255,255]In the name of God amen I Thomas Savage Senr. of Northampton County being sick and weak of body but of perfect sense and memory, blessed for the same, do make and ordane this my last will and testament in manner and form as followest. First I give my soul to almighty God who gave it to me, and my body to ye earth from where it came, desiring it may have a decent, and Christian like burial, and as for my worldly estate, I give in manner and form as followest: I give and bequest unto my son Jonathan Savage one feather bed boulster, rug and two blankets, after my wifes decease. I give unto my son Nathaniel Savage one feather bed boulster, one cover and one blanket, one chest and bedstead, belonging thereto after his mothers decease. I give to my son Thomas Savage one puter dish. I give to my grandson Nathaniel Johnson, one new suit of cloes, one young cow, one ewe if he stays till he is of lawful age, with my wife, if not, I give to ye said Nathaniel Johnson one shilling to cutt him of my estate. I give to my granddaughter Bridgett Johnson, one suit of new silk stuff close when she comes to ye age of eighteen years if my wife sees good. I give to my grandson John Savage, one shilling cash to cutt him off all. I give all ye rest of my hole estate be it what kind so ever to my loving wife Bridgett Savage, and after the decease of my wife I give ye same in full to my son Robinson Savage, to him and his heirs forever. My will and desire is that my son Thomas, may not be molested, of ye land whereon he now dwells, till his mothers decease. I give to my daughter Ansley Pool one, new silk black hodd, my will and desire is further that my son Robinson Savage should have that land where William Camells did live with one hundred acres of land annexed thereto or joyneing thereto, and that land which was cald Robinsons, I give to my son Jonathan, to him and his heirs, and I make and appoint my son Robinson Savage my sole executor of this my last will and testament revoking all other wills by me made heretofore. Witt: Thomas Johnson & Thorne Wills.[:[COLOR:70,70,70,255,255,255]COLOR]3
Deathbefore 9 January 1722/23He died before 9 January 1722/23 in Northampton, Virginia, United StatesBGO. [COLOR:70,70,70,255,255,255]It was on this date that his will was presented in court by his Executer Robinson Savage, who made oath thereto and being proved in court by the oathe of Thomas Johnson and Thorne Wills.3
Last Edited29 June 2017


  1. [S180] Stratton Nottingham, compiler, Accomack Co, VA, Wills & Administrations, 1663-1800 (Bowie, MD: Heritage Books, Inc., 1990), p. 9 (will of John Smith, taylor, wife Joyce). Hereinafter cited as Accomack Co, VA, Wills & Administrations, 1663-1800.
  2. [S150] James Handley Marshall, compiler, Northampton Co, VA, Abstracts of Wills & Administrations, 1632-1802 (), p. 150 (will of Richard Robinson, wife Rebecca). Hereinafter cited as Northampton Co, VA, Abstracts of Wills & Administrations, 1632-1802.
  3. [S150] James Handley Marshall, compiler, Northampton Co, VA, Abstracts of Wills & Administrations, 1632-1802 (), p. 240 (will of Thomas Savage Sr., wife Bridget). Hereinafter cited as Northampton Co, VA, Abstracts of Wills & Administrations, 1632-1802.