Birth | August 1886 | Janet Latane Scott was born in August 1886 in Virginia, United StatesBGO. |
Residence | 1900 | She lived in Rappahannock, Essex, Virginia, USABG, in 1900. Age: 13; Occupation: At School; AbleToSpeakEnglish: Yes; AttendedSchool: 5; CanRead: Yes; CanWrite: Yes; EnumerationDistrict: 0028; MaritalStatus: Single; RelationToHead: Daughter1 |
Residence | 1910 | She lived Age: 23; MaritalStatus: Single; RelationToHead: Niece in Rappahannock, Essex, Virginia, USABG, in 1910.2 |
Marriage | 16 July 1913 | Edmond Meriwether Lewis and she were married on 16 July 1913. |
Residence | 1920 | She lived Age: 33; MaritalStatus: Married; RelationToHead: Wife in White Chapel, Lancaster, Virginia, USABG, in 1920.3 |
Residence | 1930 | She lived Name: Jannet S Lewis, Age: 42, Gender: Female, Race: White, Birth Place: Virginia, Marital Status: Married, Relationship: Wife, Attended School: No, Able to Read and Write: Yes, Able to Speak English: Yes, Age at First Marriage: 25, Father's Birth Place: Virginia, Mother's Birth Place: Virginia, Household Members: Edmond M Lewis, 44, Head, Jannet S Lewis. in Mantua, Lancaster, Virginia, United StatesBG, in 1930.4 |
Death | 2 February 1956 | She died Age: 69 on 2 February 1956 at age 69 in Lively, Lancaster, Virginia, USABGO.5 |