Charles Ryland Scott Family

Ancestors and Descendants

Person Page 34,329

Unknown Howard



FatherWilliam Andrew Herbert Howard (b. 22 January 1896, d. 26 December 1975)
MotherNellie Vina Taylor (b. 20 January 1902, d. 5 April 1983)

Child with Leeta Joy Provence (b. 1929, d. 2007)

SonUnknown Howard+
Pedigree Chart
Included in charts - listsDescendants of Hardy Gilstrap Jr b. ca 1766
Descendants of Peter Gilstrap Jr b. ca 1735
Hamilton - Descendants of Francis Hamilton b. 1759
Maxwell - Descendants of William Maxwell b. 1749
Relationship4th cousin 1 time removed of Carol Jay Gilstrap
4th cousin 3 times removed of Isaac Silas Vaughn
4th cousin 3 times removed of Katherine Gilstrap Scott
4th cousin 3 times removed of Joseph Ryland Scott
4th cousin 3 times removed of Charles Parker ("Parker") Scott
4th cousin 3 times removed of Orly Marie Vaughn
4th cousin 3 times removed of Avital Catherine Vaughn
Last Edited21 April 2021