Departure | | |
Person Source | | Richard Watson Eubank had person sources.1 |
Birth | 2 July 1915 | He was born on 2 July 1915 in Dunnsville, Essex, Virginia, United StatesBGO. |
Residence | 1920 | He lived Marital Status: Single; Relation to Head of House: Son in Baltimore, Baltimore City, Maryland, United StatesBGO, in 1920. |
Residence | 1930 | He lived Marital Status: Single; Relation to Head of House: Son in Baltimore, Baltimore City, Maryland, United StatesBGO, in 1930. |
Residence | 1935 | He lived in SS CarbabuliaBG in 1935. |
Residence | between 1940 and 1945 | He lived Relation to Head of House: Self in New Orleans, Orleans, Louisiana, United StatesBGO, between 1940 and 1945. |
Arrival | 19 May 1949 | He arrived on 19 May 1949 in New York, New York, United StatesBGO. |
Death | 9 December 1965 | He died on 9 December 1965 at age 50 in Baltimore, Baltimore City, Maryland, United StatesBGO. |