Father | Thomas Jackson (b. 22 April 1731, d. 6 December 1778) |
Mother | Mary Wiley (b. about 1740) |
Son | William Jackson+ (b. 1 November 1784, d. 7 October 1859) |
Son | Isaac Jackson+ (b. 21 March 1789, d. 20 March 1831) |
Son | ![]() |
Son | Benjamin Jackson+ (b. 1794, d. 24 January 1863) |
Son | Burke Jackson (b. 1799, d. 5 February 1858) |
Son | Nathaniel Mathew Jackson+ (b. about 1800, d. 1865) |
Daughter | Mary Lynn Jackson+ (b. 1801, d. 1878) |
Son | James M Jackson (b. 28 June 1809, d. 10 September 1884) |
Son | Robert Jackson (b. 1817, d. 11 February 1891) |
Pedigree Chart | |
Included in charts - lists | Carol Gilstrap Ancestors Jackson - Descendants of Joseph Jackson b. 1760 Pedigree Indented - Carol |
Relationship | 5th great-grandfather of Carol Jay Gilstrap 7th great-grandfather of Isaac Silas Vaughn 7th great-grandfather of Katherine Gilstrap Scott 7th great-grandfather of Joseph Ryland Scott 7th great-grandfather of Charles Parker ("Parker") Scott 7th great-grandfather of Orly Marie Vaughn 7th great-grandfather of Avital Catherine Vaughn |
ChildParent1,1 | ||
DNA Verified | 81 DNA matches through Joseph Jackson![]() | |
Person Source | He had person sources.1 | |
Birth | about 1760 | He was born about 1760 in Greene, Georgia, United StatesBGO.2,3 |
Anecdote | 6 December 1778 | Biography of Rev. Robert McGinty Updated September 18, 2005 Robert McGinty, b., ca. 1750, (1830 Monroe Co., GA, census which shows him in the age bracket between seventy and eighty, and the 1840 census of Monroe Co., where he is living with son, William, showing him in the age bracket between eighty and ninety). He could have been born in either Ireland or PA, depending on when his father arrived in America. He died in late 1840 or early 1841, in Monroe Co., GA. His will was recorded there on February 10, 1841 and the sale of his personal property was held on June 1-2, 1841. He married Deborah Jackson, ca. 1775. This is based on the estimated birth date of their first son, Joseph. We know that they were married before 1777 - 1778 because Deborah shows in Quaker records with the name McGinty. This marriage took place at the beginning of the Revolutionary War (1775 - 1783). Recent information from a website that includes Quaker Wrightsborough Township Records of Landholders, Residents, and Associated Families 1768-1810, shows Deborah Jackson married to Robert McGinty. It also shows that her parents were Thomas and Mary Jackson and her brother was Joseph. Earlier researchers thought that Deborah was the daughter of a Baptist minister named John Wright but this is an error. The Encyclopedia of American Quaker Genealogy, Vol. 1, by William W. Hinshaw shows an entry on pg. 405 of the Cane Creek Monthly Meeting minutes that says, "1778, 12, 6. Joseph Jackson and Deborah, now McGinty, children (of) Thomas (Jackson), deceased, were granted a certificate (from), Cane Creek Monthly Meeting." This confirms that they were in good standing and had permission to transfer to the Wrightsborough Monthly Meeting in GA. There is a later entry from the Wrightsborough Monthly Meeting minutes, pg. 1049, dated 1779, 9, 4 showing Deborah McGinty, formerly Jackson, being received into the monthly meeting in Georgia This proves that her name was McGinty prior to moving to GA. Cane Creek Meeting was established in Orange Co., NC in 1751. These Quaker records prove that they had moved to the Wrightsborough, GA, area. It is also interesting to note that Robert does not show in these Quaker records with Deborah. This indicates that he did not become a Quaker when they married. The Wrightsborough settlement was in St. Paul's Parish near present day Thomson, GA, which is about thirty miles west of Augusta, GA, in McDuffie Co. The general assembly of GA granted 40,000 acres of land to the Quakers for this settlement. It was named for Sir James Wright, governor of the colony of GA in 1760. At this time, the government of the GA colony was located in Savannah. The land was located on "both sides of Germany's Creek to the head thereof and from thence to continue this same course, 'till it intersects the Indian line." The original settlers were from the Orange Co. area of NC. Thomas Jackson, who was from the Cane Creek meeting in NC, and one of the first settlers, received an initial grant of 250 acres, town lot thirty-one, on July 3, 1770. An 1807 map of Wrightsboro, published in The Story of Whitesboro, 1768-1964, by Mrs. Pearl Baker, shows that this lot was located between Tower Ln. and Habersham St. The Wrightsborough settlement, founded in 1769, was in St. Paul's Parish, Columbia Co. (now McDuffie Co.) in an area that is near present day Thomson, GA, about thirty miles west of Augusta, GA. The general assembly of GA granted 40,000 acres of land to the Quakers for this settlement. It was named for Sir James Wright, governor of the Colony of GA. At this time, the provincial government of the GA colony was located in Savannah and Gov. Wright personally owned substantial acreage adjacent to the granted tract. Beginning in 1768, several Quaker families moved from the Hillsborough, Orange Co., NC area with their leader, Joseph Maddock, and settled in the area. They left NC mainly because Gov. Tryon did not like the Quakers and was making life miserable for them. Gov. Wright in GA was supportive of the Quakers and agreed to let them settle the land. An interesting account of the Wrightsborough settlement is found in the book, Bartram, Travels and Other Writings, edited by Thomas P. Slaughter. William Bartram (1739-1823) was a noted naturalist, writer, botanist and explorer that visited the settlement during a 1773 journey through the Carolinas, Georgia and Florida. He described the settlement as follows: "We arrived at a small village on Little River, a branch of the Savanna: this village called Wrightsborough, was founded by Jos. Mattock, Esq., of the sect called Quakers. This public spirited man having obtained for himself and his followers a district, comprehending upwards of forty thousand acres of land, gave the new town this name, in honor of sir James Wright, then governor of Georgia, who greatly promoted the establishment of the settlement. Mr. Mattock, who is now about seventy years of age, healthy and active, and presides as chief magistrate of the settlement, received us with great hospitality. Wrightsborough is a late but thriving settlement…the inhabitants are for the most part emigrants from the North Colonies. The town is already laid out and about twenty housed built. Several traders are in it and goods are sold as cheap here as Augusta, sugar, rum, salt, dry goods, etc. The settlement being upon the head of Little River, a very considerable branch of the Savannah River. The soil is very fruitful, hills and vales watered and beautified by numbers of salubrious waters…Mills are erected on the swift flowing streams…The inhabitants plant wheat, barley, flax, hemp, oats, corn, cotton, indigo, breed cattle, sheep and make very good butter and cheese. Fruit trees thrive very well here. I saw in Mr. Mattox (Mattock) garden, very fine large apples two years from the seed and grapes two years from cuttings…The distance from Augusta to this place is about thirty miles; the face of the country was chiefly a plain of high forests, savannas and cane swamps, until we approached Little River, when the landscape varies, presenting to view high hills and rich vales. The soil is a deep, rich, dark mould, on a deep stratum of reddish brown tenacious clay…The forest trees are chiefly of the deciduous order…Leaving the pleasant town of Wrightsborough we continued eight or nine miles through a fertile plain…." The settlement thrived for a number of years, but between 1805-09 the inhabitants moved on to the western frontier and the Quaker town of Wrightsborough ceased to exist. Another excellent account of the families that lived in the Wrightsborough settlement and their involvement in the Revolutionary War is the novel by (Pres.) Jimmy Carter, The Hornet's Nest, published in 2003. Although fictional, it is based on historical facts and tracks the movements of our own McGinty family. As mentioned above, Deborah's father, Thomas Jackson, was one of the founders of the Wrightsborough colony of the Society of Friends (Quakers) in 1769-70. The records show that he was born April 22, 1731, in East Marlborough, Chester Co., PA. His wife was named Mary, and they had at least two children, Deborah and Joseph. It is also interesting to note that Thomas was the son of Isaac Jackson who was born ca. 1705, in Ireland and came to America as a small boy, growing up in PA. Isaac married Mary Miller in Chester Co., PA, in 1730. He then moved the family to NC in 1751, and was a charter member of the Cane Creek Monthly Meeting in Orange Co., NC. He shows in the minutes as one of about thirty original families. Thomas, father of Deborah, moved with his father's family to NC when he was about twenty years old, where he married a girl named Mary (maiden name unknown). The records of the Jackson family are well documented and show at least nine generations up to Deborah. This family was living in England, as early as 1505. From there, they went to Cavan, Ireland, probably around 1650, and then came to America and Chester Co., PA, sometime before 1727. The Wrightsborough monthly meeting minutes show that Thomas Jackson was "disowned" on May 3, 1775, for enlisting in the province services. Then, the monthly meeting minutes of April 5, 1777, say that he "hath enlisted himself in the province service and took the qualifications required and hath deserted and absconded the parts which conduct being contrary to our peaceable principals and reproachful to society." Thomas died in 1779, of unknown causes. His son, Joseph Jackson, was also "disowned" on April 1, 1780, for "bearing arms in a warlike manner, and of partaking of plundered goods, and also of accomplishing his marriage disorderly or out of the unity of Friends." Joseph moved to Wilkes Co. and then Green Co., GA, with his wife, Mary Burke. They produced seven children. There are records of several land transactions and the mention of their slaves. They were divorced in 1801, and their property split between them. He remarried Anna Rainey in 1805, and died in Putnam Co., GA, in 1835. According to Jackson researchers, Deborah was a cousin of President Andrew Jackson. They shared the same great, great grandfather, Anthony Jackson, II, who was born ca. 1599, at Killingwold Graves, Yorkshire, England and died in October, 1666, probably in Ireland. If this is correct, all future children in this McGinty - Jackson line are blood relatives of the President |
Anecdote | 1 January 1780 | At Our Monthly (Quaker) Meeting of Wrightsborough held the 1st day of the First Month 1780, the Representatives being called appeared.The Preparative meeting complains that Joseph Jackson hath been active in bearing arms in a warlike manner, and of partaking of plundered goods, and also of accomplishing his marriage disorderly or out of unity of friends. Daniel Williams and Henry Jones are appointed to visit and treat with him and endeavor to convince him of his errors and report their care and sense of his disposition to next meeting.1780, 4, 1. Joseph Jackson disowned, married out of unity. (Wrightsborough, GA Monthly Meeting) |
Anecdote | 1 April 1780 | Much information on Burk's and Jackson's can be found in Early Georgia Pioneer Records, Vol 1 and 2. * Information from DARRELL RAINEY - [Mary Burke Jackson is buried in the JACKSON family Cemetery in Heard Co., Georgia - but her ex-husband Joseph isn't. She was married to Joseph Jackson Sr. (son of Thomas Jackson and Mary Unkn. ) about 1780 in Warren County, North Carolina. She was divorced from Joseph Jackson Sr. on Aug 3 1801 in Greene County, Georgia. Joseph Jackson, was "disowned" on April 1, 1780 for "bearing arms in a warlike manner, and of partaking of plundered goods, and also of accomplishing his marriage disorderly or out of the unity of Friends." He moved to Wilkes Co. and then Green Co., GA with his wife, Mary Burke. They produced seven children. There are records of several land transactions and the mention of their slaves. They were divorced in 1801 and their property split between them. He remarried Anna Rainey in 1805 and died in Putnam Co., GA in 1835.****** ALSO ON APRIL 1, 1780: Joseph disowned married out of unity. (Wrightsborough. Ga. monthly meeting.) Joseph was disowned from the Wrightsborough, GA Quaker meeting for marrying Mary out of unity. (Quaker Records). We find Joseph on the Georgia Tax Index list of 1791--Wilkes Co., GA in Gresham District. 9 Oct. 1793. Thomas Cribbs of Greene Co. to Joseph Jackson of Wilkes, for 200 pds. Sterling, 373 acres bounded SE by John Deen, W by Culberson, S by Moses Shelvey, E by Charles Cessna, NE by Harrison, E by Gideon Harrison, SW by Johnson, N by Johnston, SW by John Deed and the said Thomas Cribbs. Signed Thomas (X) Cribbs. Wit: Abner Bidell, Gilbert Cribbs, George W. Foster J.P. Reg. 24 May 1794. (Page 111) 3 May 1801 Tallauhassee. Thomas Rutledge, Edward Hagen, Joseph Jackson, and Charles Burk, Jr., permission to pass into Georgia. 308 Passports issued by Governors of Georgia. 1 August 1801. Aaron Levingstone to Joseph Jackson both of Greene County, for $1000, 245 acres in Greene County on waters of Stewarts Creek of the Beaverdam, bounded S by James Stewart's land, W by Cribb's land. Signed by Aaron (X) Levingstone. Wit. John Lester, Thos. Burke. Proved by Theophilas Burk in the clerk's office 3 Aug 1801 before E. Park J.P. Ex. Reg. 3 Aug 1801. August 1, 1801--Greene County, Georgia--We Theophilus Burk and Mary [Burk] Jackson do hereby bind ourselves jointly to the sum of $3,000 to be paid to Joseph Jackson of Greene County on the following conditions and for the value received for that whereas the said Joseph Jackson and Mary [Burk] Jackson his wife hath this day entered into an agreement of separation in wedlock and property by consent and in consideration of the said Mary having received a certain part of the estate of the said Joseph as stipulated in the aforesaid agreement which was entered and recorded this day, the said Mary Jackson with Theophilus Burk her security acknowledges themselves bound to the said Joseph Jackson in the penal sum of $3,000 to abide by and conform to her part of the said agreement which if punctually complyd with the above obligation to be void. Signed Mary Jackson, Theo Burk, Wit: A. Bedell, Phil. Hunter, E. Park J.P. Ex. Rec.-Aug 1801. [page 507. Some Georgia County Records Vol. 2]. 3 Aug 1801. Greene Co. Memorandum of agreement made between Joseph Jackson and Mary Jackson his wife both of Greene County. Witnesseth that the said Joseph and Mary hath this day agreed to a separation in wedlock and property on the following terms: the said Joseph agrees and does hereby relinquish to the said Mary a tract of land on the waters of Stewarts creek of the Beaverdam cont. 245 acres bounded S by James Stewart, W by Crib's agreeable to a deed made by Aaron Levingston said Joseph Jackson which is this day entered of record and to give her immediate possession of the same to live on during her natural life or until marriage. He also gives to Mary one equal half of all the personal estate that of right belongs to him at this time except one still and the furniture belonging to it, Two yoke of oxen and a cart, a corner cupboard and the furniture actually belonging to the grist and saw mill. All the rest of property such as Negroes, etc. to be equally divided but at the death or marriage of the said Mary and property is to be equally divided amongst my children share and share alike to wit: William Jackson, Isaac Jackson, Joseph Jackson, Benjamin Jackson, Nathaniel Jackson, Burk Jackson and the one that my wife is now pregnant with Joseph also agrees to give the said Mary 100 bushels of corn this Fall. The said Mary agrees to quit all claim rights of dower as in wedlock belongs to her. Signed: Mary Jackson, Joseph Jackson. Wit: A. Bedell, Phil. Hunter, E. Park J.P. Reg. 3 Aug 1801. Pages 507-508. Some Georgia County Records Vol.2. 27 Aug 1801. Joseph Jackson of Greene County to Phillip Hunter of same, for $6,000, 350 acres in Greene County on Beaverdam Creek adj. Lands of Bolland, Jackson, Wilson, Crofford, Dunn and Harris. Signed Joseph Jackson, Mary Jackson. Wit: John Armour J.P., E. Park. Mary Jackson, wife of Joseph relinquishes dower, and renounces all claim she might have after the death of said Joseph, 27 Aug 1801. Reg.27 Aug 1801. Pages 510-511. Some Georgia County Records Vol.2. Putnam County, Ga. In this county, in 1810, there were 26 Distilleries. The following will show who owned them, number of gallons of spirits distilled, and price per. Capt. W. H. Devine's district. Ben Buckner, 1000 gals. Per annum, $1 per gal. Joseph Jackson, 300 gals. Per annum, $1 per gal. Donald Morrison, 500 gals. Per annum, 87.5 cents per gal. 3-1800 |
Marriage | circa 1783 | He and Mary Burke were married circa 1783 in Georgia, United StatesBGO.1,2 |
Divorce | 3 August 1801 | He and Mary Burke were divorced on 3 August 1801 in Greene, Georgia, United StatesBGO.2 |
Death | 2 February 1835 | He died on 2 February 1835 at age ~75 in Clarke, Alabama, United StatesBGO.3 |
Last Edited | 27 November 2019 |